Departmental Requirements
Eight departmental courses fulfilling the following requirements:
Six EAS-prefix courses, which must include:
- The junior seminar (EAS 300) as an introductory methods survey course, generally taken fall of junior year
- Two of the following transnational courses:
- History of East Asia to 1800 (HIS/EAS 207)
- East Asia since 1800 (HIS/EAS 208)
- East Asian Humanities I: The Classical Foundations (HUM/EAS/COM 233)
- East Asian Humanities II: Tradition and Transformations (HUM/EAS/COM 234)
- At least one course on premodern East Asia
Two additional courses, which may be:
- EAS courses, including courses cross-listed with EAS
- Cognate courses approved by the director of undergraduate studies
- Language courses at or above the 300 level (after the three-year proficiency requirement is fulfilled)
- Any courses in a second East Asian language
A single course may not be used to satisfy two requirements, with the exception of HIS 207 and HUM 233. Either course may be used to satisfy both the premodern and transnational requirements, however, the course will only count towards one of the six required EAS-prefix departmental courses.