The Department of East Asian Studies and the Department of Near Eastern Studies’ weekly film screening event:
We are happy to announce the launch of the EAS & NES’s AY 23-24 film screening event, East Meets East, a film series. The theme of the fall semester is Re-Orienting Desire. We will put Middle Eastern and East Asian films in conversation with each other, intersecting topics that include queer subjectivity, intimacy, and post-colonial reality.
After the film, there will be open discussion. The weekly event is open to Princeton University affiliates. Time and location is every Thursday at 5:30 pm, in Jones 100. Refreshments will be provided in Jones 102.
Please reach out to us if you plan to join! We look forward to seeing you soon!
Heejoo Kim, EAS PhD Candidate
Xinyi Wei, NES PhD Candidate