Martin Kern, the Joanna and Greg Zeluck ’84 P13 P18 Professor in Asian Studies, is set to deliver the 35th Ch’ien Mu Lectures in History and Culture at New Asia College, the Chinese University of Hong Kong. Established in 1978, the annual Ch’ien Mu Lectures are renowned as the most prestigious lecture series in Chinese Studies globally. For more details, please visit the page for the lecture series on the CUHK website or refer to the program booklet.
Kern, the Director of the International Center for the Study of Ancient Text Cultures at Renmin University of China, Beijing, frequently lectures in China in both English and Mandarin. Last October, he delivered a Hu Shi Humanities Lecture at Peking University and a Wang Guowei Lecture at Tsinghua University, Beijing; the latter attracted an online audience of 200,000 viewers in addition to its onsite attendees. Next month, Kern will be delivering the annual presidential address at the national meeting of the American Oriental Society (AOS) in his capacity as this year's AOS President. Over the next academic year, he will be lecturing at universities across America as a Phi Beta Kappa Visiting Scholar.