Jin Dong

Lecturer in Chinese Language
234 Frist Campus Center

Jin Dong is a Lecturer at Princeton University from Fall 2022. She is also a Ph.D. candidate at the Department of East Asian Languages and Literatures at University of Hawai‘i at Mānoa. Her research interests include (trans)languaging, Distributed Language, virtual world/reality, and game-assisted language learning. She is part of the RIDLLE group that designs distributed language learning environments. Prior to coming to Princeton, she taught at University of Virginia, University of Hawai‘i at Mānoa, Inter-University Program at Tsinghua University, Columbia Summer Language Program in Beijing, and Beijing Language and Culture University.

Selected Publications

Cui, Z., Dong, J., Liu, Y., Nuesser, M., Zhang, H., Zheng, D. (in press). Becoming a resourceful language learner and a mediator in narrative-driven participatory virtual spaces. In M. Peterson & N. Jabbari (Eds.), Advances in digital game-based language learning. Routledge.

Caselli, R., Dong, J., Nokes, J., Nuesser, M., Ritch, J., Tang, S., Zheng, D. (in press). Becoming professionals: Ecological role-play. In H. Wang & K. Grosse (Eds.), Chinese for Business and Professionals in the workplace: Reaching across disciplines. Taylor & Francis.

Cui, Z., Dong, J., Liu, Y., Tangiyev, D. M., Nokes, J., Nuesser, M., Tang, S., Zhang, H., Zheng, D. (2021). Design of a distributed language learning environment: contextualizing Chinese language learning in a Panda reserve virtual reality. In Y-J. Lan & S. Grant (Eds.), Contextual language learning: Real language learning on the continuum from virtuality to reality (pp. 39–70). Springer Verlag, Singapore.

Dong, J. (2019).“Don’t move! I won’t kill you”: a study of multilingual interlingual interactions in a video game setting. In N. Handley & J. Yoshioka (Eds.), Storytelling: The art of translation (pp. 13-21). National Language Resource Center, University of Hawaii at Manoa.

Dong, J. (2016). 字趣:汉字里的古人生活. Interesting Chinese Characters. 黄山出版社Mountain Huangshan Publishing House.