Chinese Language Minor

A student majoring in a department other than East Asian studies may earn a language minor in Chinese by completing seven courses, including six language courses (two or more of which must be beyond the second-year level) and at least one EAS or cognate course. An East Asian studies major specializing in Japanese or Korean language may earn a language minor in Chinese, but may not also earn an East Asian studies minor (offered by the Program in East Asian Studies). Courses taken on a pass/D/fail basis will not be counted.

Students must also complete a substantial piece of research (20-25 pages) based at least in part on Chinese language sources dealing with aspects of East Asia. The topic must be in the humanities or social sciences. The paper could be either an original piece of research, or a junior paper or senior thesis. If the paper or senior thesis is written for another department, at least half of the work must be on East Asia. Students should submit a signed written work form at the time of the paper's completion or one week before Dean's Date in the spring of senior year. The student is expected be proactive in seeking out a faculty reviewer for the written work requirement. If submitting a junior paper or senior thesis, the paper's adviser may serve as the faculty reviewer. The faculty reviewer does not need to be an EAS department faculty, but their field must have relevancy to the topic and region of the student's written work.

Students placing into language courses beyond the second-year level should plan to satisfy the language course requirements for the minor with higher level courses. If there are no suitable higher level language courses available, students may seek permission from the EAS director of undergraduate studies to substitute some EAS-prefixed and cognate courses for language work.


For additional information and application instructions, please contact EAS undergraduate administrator ([email protected]).