Language Placement

Two koi fish circling each other

Before graduating from Princeton, all A.B. candidates must demonstrate proficiency in a language other than English. If you would like to study a new language at Princeton, you may simply register for the first course in the language sequence (normally 101-level).

If you wish to continue studying a language that you have previously studied, you will need to take a placement test. The placement test does not become part of your academic record —it is simply a diagnostic tool to help the department place you in the appropriate course. If you achieve a sufficiently high score on the test, you may be certified as completing the foreign language requirement. Princeton does not accept advanced placement test scores in Chinese, Japanese or Korean to fulfill the language requirement.

Incoming students will receive emails over the summer prior to matriculation with details. The dates and test links are also posted on the Your Path to Princeton website when available. Continuing students wishing to take a placement test should contact the program director of the respective language.

Contact the Language Directors


